Why orange jerseys and why still orange jerseys?

Ridelines Jersey History

A few times this summer folk have mentioned our New Jersey. All very positive comments for which we’re grateful. Every few years or so we have a refresh and 2022 was no exception. After more than a decade as Ridelines, we’ve had five different iterations of our instructor jersey. 

There’s been a constant feature present through all of these designs, that being of course the colour orange. We’ve had a few different shades and few different levels of coverage and in different placements, but we’ve pretty much owned it whatever we’ve settled on.

Andy started the company choosing orange as the primary colour as he used to work for “The Forestry Commission” as it was once called. (Now Forestry & Land Scotland) This was the colour of their safety gear, it could be easily seen on the landscape or in the forest and was a colour that didn’t really appear in nature, at least amongst the areas that Ridelines operated in. 

Saying we have “heritage” actually sounds weird for such a young company, but we do have a theme of sorts in our very consistent jersey history and this years design celebrates just that.

I was prompted to write this as it’s not obvious to everyone (or perhaps anyone) that far from “copying Fox Racing” or “nicking the Pinkbike Racing” colours we’ve been rocking this combination of colours for over a decade. Bringing it all together at the end of last year to settle on our current design.

The comparisons are flattering, but yeah… Check out the OG’s of orange.

2011 >  made by The Cycle Jersey.

Actually a mistake in the shade of orange. Turned out to be closer to yellow after a miscommunication between Andy and Brian, but none the less, a jersey arrived and the Ridelines brand was born.

Ridelines fist ever jersey 2011 onwards

2013 > Made by Endura.

The shade turns darker, this time its definitely orange though. This one was essentially just a standard semi-custom MTB jersey with the then “wee bike guy” Ridelines logo that we had been using for a while by then on priced leaflets and stuff. These jerseys were from Endura and they were bombproof, but heavy and quite hot in the summer.

Ridelines second jersey 2013 onwards

2015 > Made by The Cycle Jersey.

Not a Great Leap Forward in design. Essentially a remake of the last jersey  with some shapes thrown onto the sleeve to mix it up. The orange at this point is getting a bit more vibrant and “Ridelines orange” has very much established itself our on the hill and in our industry. 

Ridelines third jersey 2017 onwards

2018 > Our first in-house designed jersey.

Making a jump from orange sleeves to orange shoulders too. Clearly visible now as a Ridelines jersey. The first jersey to show our signature capital “R” logo. Bringing it from the orange shoulders into black through to grey to compliment a pair of black shorts. A really smart, minimal design that has been carried forward to a certain degree.

Ridelines fourth jersey 2018 onwards

2022. A heritage jersey for our first ten years. 

After a difficult 2020 and difficult 2021 we started 2022 with what was always supposed to be a “decade” jersey to celebrate 10 years of Ridelines.

This was all designed during 2021 and printed a year late, but welcome all the same. Incorporating all of the shades of orange that past jerseys have carried, the signature “R” logo as well as a ghosted in tribute to the year Andy re-named the business as Ridelines in 2011.

Ridelines current heritage jersey

So there you have it, a quick rundown of our jersey history. Sometimes uncomplicated, sometimes well thought out out, but always orange!