We recommend that you read the following terms before booking with Ridelines.
By booking, you accept that you have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.
We aim to treat everybody fairly. By placing a booking, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. In the following conditions ‘we’ are the company RIDELINES Ltd and ‘you’ are the person booking an activity.
1. BOOKING –When you make a booking, you guarantee that you have the authority to accept, and do accept, on behalf of your party the terms of these booking conditions. A contract will exist as soon as we issue our booking confirmation email and a deposit or full payment is made. One person may accept the booking conditions on behalf of a group. We will confirm your booking by email. The contract is governed by Scottish law.
2. DEPOSIT – We require a deposit of £50 per person to book a non corporate activity with RIDELINES Ltd. If the booking is made within 8 weeks of the activity commencement date, full payment must be made at time of booking. For corporate bookings we require a 25% deposit of the total amount agreed based on confirmed numbers quoted and provisionally booked. See term condition 6. ‘CANCELLATION BY YOU’ for details of cancellation terms.
3. PAYMENT – The balance of the activity cost must be received 8 weeks prior to commencement. Reminders will not necessarily be sent. If the full balance is not received 8 weeks prior to the activity commencement, you will be deemed to have cancelled your activity and cancellation terms will apply. Please be aware that if you are booking within two weeks of your intended activity, payment methods may be restricted. You will be invoiced in pounds sterling.
3.1 PAYMENT WITH PAYPAL IN 3 – When paying by Paypal in 3, you will pay your first instalment on the day of your order. This will be recognised as your payment date as Ridelines is compensated for the full amount of your booking when the booking is made. Normal cancellation and refund policies will apply to this payment method. Any financial details regarding instalments and term of payment should be directed to PayPal. Ridelines does not have the information to answer any queries or fix any issues with PayPal in 3. If you wish to find out more about this payment method please visit the the PayPal in 3 FAQ page. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact PayPal direct.
4. MINIMUM NUMBERS – The minimum number of participants in a scheduled group course is 2. We will accept bookings for less than 2 participants. However, if the minimum number of participants is not reached within 2 weeks of the course commencement, we reserve the right to cancel the course. We will not be liable for any extra costs incurred with respect to your attendance of your course. If minimum numbers are not reached we will either a) refund the full cost of your course b) provide an equal or better course on a different date c) amend your course with your agreement or d) agree a different course (which may incur further charges depending on published prices).
5. PAYMENT PROTECTION – We guarantee not to increase the cost of the activity once a booking has been received. You have up to 28 days after completion of the activity to lodge any complaint concerning the activity. We have a further 28 days to respond to your complaint.
6. CANCELLATIONS, AMENDMENTS OR NO-SHOWS BY YOU –We will always endeavour to accommodate any changes to your activity that you require but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Ridelines cannot take responsibility for any situation that may prevent you from attending your session on time and properly prepared. Any cancellation by you with 28 days to go before your session (up to 14 days before your session) you may be offered an alternative date at our digression. The aforementioned offer of alternative dates excludes British Cycling Leadership training and assessment where our standard cancellation policy applies. Any less than 14 days before your session, no refund or alternative can be offered. These terms extend to any alterations that may affect participant numbers. In this case within the respective cancellation timescales, no concession on pricing can be offered.
Example: If you book 6 places and only 4 can attend, you will be offered a credit note for the remaining spaces inside 28 days, but no refund or credit note within 14 days. It is YOUR responsibility to gather your numbers for attendance within these timescales to protect your booking and payments.
- CANCELLATION BY YOU (less than 28 days) Any cancellation by you with less than 28 days to go before your session, you may be offered an alternative date at our digression.
- CANCELLATION BY YOU (less than 14 days) Any cancellation by you with 14 days or less to go before the date of your session will result in you losing your deposit plus the full purchase price of that session. No concessions can be applied.
For corporate and custom large group experiences we require 6 weeks notice of cancellation. Any cancellation inside this range of notice will result in the loss of any deposit and amounting to the full purchase price of your session.
7. CANCELLATION BY US – We will always endeavour to avoid cancellation of an activity. In the event of any exceptional circumstances beyond our control, we may have to cancel your activity. Any cancellation by us will result in a full refund to yourself, or transfer to another suitable activity. We cannot be held liable for any other expenses you might incur as a result of us cancelling your activity. Force majeure: This means a cause beyond our control. We will not refund, nor will we pay compensation, if we have to cancel or change your travel and/or accommodation arrangements in any way because of war, riot, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances that may amount to force majeure.
8. CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY BY YOU – We will always endeavor to accommodate any changes to your activity that you require. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Any request for changes must be made in writing from the person who made the booking. You may be required to pay an administration charge, plus any further costs incurred, in accommodating this alteration. You should be aware that a change of date of travel may constitute cancellation of your activity as dealt with in clause 6. Any alterations to your activity made after departure may result in additional charges to cover costs incurred. If you do not use any part of the services covered by your booking, you will not be entitled to reimbursement. (also see section 6)
9. CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY BY US – There is always the need to be flexible in an activity. We will always endeavor to fulfill our itinerary. However, our itinerary and overall goal of our activity should be taken as an aim and not a contractual obligation. However we will endeavor to ensure that your activity is not devalued. We will not devalue or change the theme of an activity. We will always endeavor to keep you informed of any changes to your activity. (also see section 7)
10 UNCONNECTED THIRD PARTIES – We cannot be held liable for any damages, losses or inconveniences arising due to events involving travel, accommodation or any other third party arrangements you have made in support of your activity with Ridelines. We will do everything within our capabilities to accomodate your booking when issues arise due to such events however should you fail to attend your activity due to third party issues we are under no obligation to offer any refund or exchange of your activity.
11. INSURANCE – All participants are recommended to take out adequate insurance cover. Any such policy should cover activity participation, personal items, medical expenses, the cost of repatriation in the event of illness and cancellation by you.
12. LIMIT OF OUR LIABILITY – Our liability to you in any circumstances is limited to the total cost of your activity. We accept no responsibility for any damage or loss to your personal possessions. We are not liable for any failure to carry out the contract if the failure is a) due to the actions of a participant b) due to the actions of a third party unconnected with us or our travel and accommodation partners c) due to circumstances out-with our control and unforeseeable d) due theft or damage to bicycles or injury to you which occurs as a result of cycling on or off-road; or during transit.
13. HIRE BIKES – Advance booking is necessary in order for us to hire bikes for you. Our scheduled courses do not include the cost of hire bikes. We source hire bikes from local bike shops and do not accept any responsibility for the condition of the bikes but do expect them to be maintained to a good standard and fit for purpose. You are responsible for looking after hire bikes and must notify us of any defects as soon as possible. You are liable to the bike hirer for any loss or damages to the hire bike. You must commit to return the hire equipment in the same condition as you received it and may not sell, hire or otherwise part with the equipment during your activity.
14. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES – All types of sport involve elements of risk and discomfort, and your booking represents acceptance of this. It is imperative that you RIDE WITHIN YOUR CAPABILITIES at all times. If you are unsure of your capabilities, you must walk when you are not confident riding. It is a condition of participation that you always wear an approved safety helmet. We take no responsibility for damage, death or injury caused to you or by you as a result of participation. You are responsible for keeping your bike in good working order and you must notify us of any defects as soon as possible. If you bring your own bike, you must ensure it is in good working order before commencement of the activity.
We reserve the right to prevent you from participating if your bike is not in good working order. In this case we will endeavor to hire a bike for you, for which you will be responsible for the cost. You agree to abide by the authority of the leader of the group. Any leader who deems your behaviour to detrimental to the welfare of the group or you, may remove you from the group.
We reserve the right to remove any person from a activity who is deemed to be acting in this manner. We will not be liable for any refund in these circumstances. You commit to attending all meeting points in good time. If you are late or fail to turn up at a given meeting point, you will be liable for costs incurred in catching up with the group. You have a contractual responsibility to act in a reasonable way for the duration of your activity. Any behaviour by you which is, in the reasonable opinion of the site owner or manager or any other person in authority, disruptive or likely to adversely affect the enjoyment of other persons, will be a breach of the contract and our obligation to provide any contracted services to you will end.
We take no responsibility for damage, death or injury caused to you or by you as a result of participation in activities.
15. MEDICAL – You must confirm that you are fit to participate in your chosen activity and that you have informed us of any medical conditions affecting your participation in the activity. You must notify us of any specific medication and dietary requirements at time of booking.
16. PARTICIPANTS (MINIMUM AGE RESTRICTIONS) – Ridelines will only take direct bookings for participants over the age of 16. Any person under the age of 16 can only be signed up by a parent or guardian. You must contact RIDELINES before booking anyone under 16 onto a non child specific skills course to discuss your circumstances. Participants under 16 can attend a Ridelines specific kids courses as these activities are designed for under 16’s in their individually available age groups. This ensures suitable ratio of supervision by a parent or guardian or tutor. Any person booking onto a non child specific skills course under 16 please contact us to discuss suitability first.
16.1 AGE RESTRICTIONS AS RELEVANT TO E-BIKES (ALSO KNOW AS PEDALEC / EAPC / ELECTRIC BIKES) Current legislation on the use of e-bikes in the UK prevents us from leading, guiding or instructing e-bike users under 14 years of age. Under the road traffic act, anyone under 14 years old is prevented from using an e-bike on public roads or paths. Whilst you may be happy and have previously observed your young rider operate an e-bike safely, our insurance would not cover them for any claim against negligence on Ridelines part or against any eventuality (such as injury, damage or loss) resulting from an incident of any kind. Please refer to the government guidance on the use of an e-bike by a child under 14 for further information. Other helpful information can be found on “Cycle Sprog” here.
Participants in private lessons for under 16’s may be asked to provide an accompanying adult for the duration of the session to ensure safeguarding requirements are met.
Purpose: This safeguarding policy outlines the commitment of [Your Organization’s Name] to safeguarding the well-being of all participants involved in outdoor activities. It aims to provide guidance and procedures to prevent and respond to any incidents of harm, abuse, or neglect. Participants in private lessons for under 16’s may be asked to provide an accompanying adult for the duration of the session to ensure the following safeguarding requirements are met and the potential for safeguarding incidents reduced.
In 2000, two optional protocols were added to the UNCRC. One asks governments to ensure children under the age of 18 are not forcibly recruited into their armed forces. The second calls on states to prohibit child prostitution, child pornography and the sale of children into slavery. These have now been ratified by more than 120 states.
1.2 Scope: This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and participants involved in outdoor activities organized or endorsed by [Your Organization’s Name].2. Key Principles
1.3 Wellbeing-Centered Approach: All decisions and actions will prioritise the best interests of the child or vulnerable adult. Their welfare is paramount.
1.4 Inclusivity: The policy is inclusive and recognizes the diversity of participants, ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
1.5 Communication: Open and transparent communication will be maintained with participants, parents, guardians, and relevant authorities regarding safeguarding matters.
2.1: Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) Andy Weir / Allan Doyle are appointed as the DSO’s. Responsibilities include receiving and reporting concerns, providing support, and ensuring compliance with this policy. Please email enquiries@ridelines.co.uk to report any concerns or ask any questions regarding safegaurding.
2.2: Staff and Volunteers: All staff and volunteers must be familiar with this policy and undergo relevant safeguarding training. Reporting concerns promptly to the DSO is mandatory.
2.3: Participants: Participants are encouraged to report any concerns to staff, volunteers, or directly to the DSO. All Ridelines participants are required to follow safeguarding instructions as delivered by their allocated instructors during any type of session. Please see the reporting process if you have attended a Ridelines course and have any safeguarding questions or concerns.
4.1 Activity Risk Assessment: Ridelines will Conduct a thorough risk assessment for each outdoor activity, considering potential hazards and implementing appropriate control measures.
4.2 Supervision: All Ridelines instructors, employees and freelance staff will maintain appropriate supervision ratios to ensure the safety of all participants.
5.1 Vetting and Screening: All staff and volunteers will undergo appropriate background checks before engaging in outdoor activities. This includes all staff requiring full membership of the Scottish Governments Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.
5.2 Training: Staff and volunteers will receive training in safeguarding procedures and be updated regularly. This includes the Scottish Government’s in-person Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport (CWPS) training course.
6.1 Reporting: Any concerns regarding the well-being of a participant must be reported to the DSO immediately. This can be done by emailing enquiries@ridelines.co.uk
6.2 Responding: The DSO will initiate an appropriate response, which may include involving external agencies when necessary.
7.1 All information regarding safeguarding concerns will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, shared only with those who have a legitimate need to know. This may include other agencies and those who may provide witness or clarity to any reported concerns.
8.1: This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary. Regular audits will ensure compliance.
9: UNCRC: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNRC) consists of 54 articles that set out children’s rights and how governments should work together to make them available to all children. Under the terms of the convention, governments are required to meet children’s basic needs and help them reach their full potential. Central to this is the acknowledgment that every child has basic fundamental rights. These include the right to:
- Life, survival and development
- Protection from violence, abuse or neglect
- An education that enables children to fulfil their potential
- Be raised by, or have a relationship with, their parents
- Express their opinions and be listened to.
Ridelines are committed to making all of our courses line up with the principles and articles of the UNCRC where relevant. Please email us if you require further information on our safeguarding policies.
17. GIFT VOUCHERS – Vouchers are not redeemable for cash. Vouchers purchased from Ridelines will be valid for exactly one year from the date of purchase. If you would like to change your voucher activity, we may be able to offer an exchange to an alternative activity by way of exception and entirely at our discretion.
17.1 Gift voucher expiration: If your voucher has reached is expiration date (one year from its original purchase) you will not be entitled to a refund or be entitled to redeem the voucher. It is the responsibility of the original purchaser of the voucher to monitor the expiry date of said voucher. Ridelines will not enter into subjective debate about individual reasons for the expiry of any voucher.
17.2 Gift voucher ownership: It is the responsibility of the original owner of the voucher to monitor the expiry date of said voucher. This includes after passing the voucher to a 3rd party for a gift or gratuity. The original purchaser of a Ridelines gift voucher may pass on their voucher to a third party. After this action, Ridelines consider the chain of original ownership to be broken and will not recognise any further “owner” of said voucher. Terms and conditions apply only to the original purchaser of said voucher.
17.3 Gift voucher refunds: If you have purchased a Ridelines gift voucher, you are entitled to a refund 28 days from the purchase date. After this date a refund cannot be offered. The original purchaser of a Ridelines gift voucher may pass on their voucher to a third party. Terms and conditions of voucher ownership will always reside with the original purchaser of said voucher.
17.4 Gift voucher redemption: Redemption dates are subject to availability. We will endeavour to redeem your voucher on one of your preferred dates. Your capacity for flexibility is implied when purchasing a voucher. Advanced booking is highly recommended to secure your preferred date for redemption. If we cannot offer you your preferred redemption date we will arrange an alternative date or session.
18. DISCOUNT VOUCHERS / PROMOTIONAL CODES (CODES) – Discount vouchers and / or promotional codes are not redeemable for cash. You may use or redeem these under the following conditions:
18.1 Individual code Limitations: Every effort will be made in the communication regarding our codes to explain the conditions, limitations and exclusions that apply to them. However the aforementioned may not be limited to the conditions communicated. Ridelines reserve the right to amend these conditions to apply further limitations due to reasonable evidence of emerging loopholes and incidents of abuse. No discount codes will be extended to include any British Cycling affiliated courses or products.
18.2 Using multiple codes: Our codes cannot be used in conjunction with existing codes unless expressly permitted. Should we discover this has been the case. We reserve the right to cancel any orders and refund the them in full.
18.3 Expiry of codes: When codes have expired, there will be no further extensions of the benefits offered by the code in question. The expiry date of all codes are final and will not be reviewed on any individual basis.
18.4 Retrospective code use: We cannot offer any current code benefits (such as discounts or cash back) on orders placed before said code has been introduced. Eg: If you have bought a product on Monday and it is discounted by way of a code on Tuesday, we can offer no retrospective discount. Signing up for our newsletter is the best way to get early notice of any Ridelines promotions.
18.5 Right to withdraw: Ridelines reserve the right to amend, cancel or withdraw any codes without notice.
At Ridelines we respect your right to privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out details of the information that we may collect from you and how we may use that information. This Privacy Policy should be read alongside, and in addition to, our Terms and Conditions. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used have the same meaning as in our Terms and Conditions.
1.1 In this Privacy Policy, references to “we” or “us” are to Ridelines Mountain Bike Tuition Ltd a limited company incorporated in Scotland (registered number SC393216) trading under the name “Ridelines” whose registered office is at 33 Miller Street, Innerleithen. EH44 6QR who will be the controller of any personal data processed as described in this Privacy Policy.
1.2 If you have any questions about your personal information, please contact us by email at enquiries@ridelines.co.uk or by telephone on 07817 792544
2 Collection of Information
2.1 When you access our website (www.ridelines.co.uk) (the “Website”) via any means, make an enquiry regarding our services, or make a booking in respect of our services we may collect, store and use certain of your personal information in line with this policy.
2.2 To make an enquiry via our Website, we ask for your name, address, email address and contact telephone numbers. If you contact us via email, we may also keep a record of that correspondence. This information is necessary to enable us to respond to your enquiry.
2.3 To make a booking, we ask for the information referred to in clause 2.2
2.4 We may also collect data relating to your visits to the Website that cannot identify you but records your use of our Website, for example, details of how long you have used the Website for. This information allows us to identify ways in which the Website can be improved.
2.5 Finally, we may receive information about you from third parties (such as British Cycling and other relevant cycling bodies)
3 Use of Your Information
3.1 By accessing the Website via any means, you agree that your personal information may be collected, stored, used and shared by us and our partners, or third parties we work with. For example: British cycling in the case of leadership qualifications.
(a) to establish if you satisfy the terms of our insurance.
(b) to provide, maintain, protect and improve the quality of the Website including by conducting anonymised market research, and to protect us and our users;
(c) to fulfil any contractual agreements between you and us;
(d) to send you details of our other products and services which we think may interest you, unless you opt out as described at paragraph 3.2 below;
(e) to tailor our advertising on social media to your use of the Website;
(f) to establish a valid contract with you and to process payments due under that contract;
(g) to comply with legal and regulatory requirements regarding your safety on our courses.
(h) to contact you occasionally in order to invite you to share your opinions and experiences of Ridelines.
(I) to share with emergency services should the need arise.
3.2 We may use your email address to send you information about our services. If you do not wish to receive such information please send a message to this effect to enquiries@ridelines.co.uk or telephone us on 07817 792544
4 Storage of Information
4.1 All personal information provided by you and documents which we have created using the personal information you have provided (such as a Booking Confirmation Form) is stored on our secure servers. We may also retain hard copies of documents which contain your personal information at our secure office premises.
4.2 In addition, we (or third parties acting on our behalf) may also store or process information that we collect about you in countries outside the European Economic Area, which may have lower standards of data protection. Specifically, servers used by our Website are located in The UK and our third party service providers operate around the world. We have put in place technical and organisational security measures to prevent the loss or unauthorised access of your personal information. However, whilst we have used our best efforts to ensure the security of your data, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted over the Internet.
5 Legal Basis for Processing Your Information
5.1 Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.
5.2 However, we will normally collect personal information from you only
(a) where we have your consent to do so;
(b) where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you; or
(c) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you.
5.3 If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as the possible consequences if you do not provide your information).
5.4 Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.
6 Disclosure of Your Information
6.1 We may disclose your personal information to third parties when required or permitted by law including:
(a) with your consent;
(b) to our insurers, the police or such other bodies as may be legally entitled to demand the disclosure of any personal information we may hold about you pursuant to legislation in force at the relevant time;
(c) to our file storage, email and website management services providers and our payment services provider (as discussed at paragraph 3.1 above) when we process your payment(s). These suppliers’ use of your personal data may be subject to their own privacy policies, which are available on their websites, and which we suggest you familiarise yourself with in the relevant circumstances set out above;
(d) if we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your information to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets, provided that they continue to use your information substantially in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy;
(e) if all, or substantially all of our assets, are acquired by a third party provided that they continue to use your information substantially in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, in which case information held by us will be one of the transferred assets;
(f) if we are under a duty to disclose or share your information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions and other agreements; or to protect our rights, property, or safety, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
7 Data Retention
7.1 We retain personal information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements) this includes refunds.
7.2 When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.
8 Your Rights
8.1 You have the following data protection rights:
(a) you can edit your personal details whenever you wish, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the form provided on the “Contact us” page on our website.
(b) you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by using the form provided on the “Contact us” page on our website.
(c) you may unsubscribe from certain email communications by informing using the form provided on the “Contact us” page on our website.
(d) If we have collected and process your personal information on the basis of your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent;
(e) If you have any privacy-related questions or unresolved problems, you may contact us using the form provided on the “Contact us” page on our website.
8.2 You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (including the US and Canada) are available here.)
8.3 The Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal information to these websites.
9 Children
9.1 We strongly believe in protecting the privacy of children. In line with this belief, we do not knowingly collect or maintain personal information from persons under 13 years of age, and no part of the Website is directed to persons under 13 years of age. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use or access the Website at any time or in any manner. We will take appropriate steps to delete any personal information of persons less than 13 years of age.
10 Cookies
10.1 The Website may use cookies. Cookies are small files stored on your computer’s hard drive which are used to collect your personal information. You may choose to refuse cookies but, if you do so, some of the functionality of the Website may no longer be available to you.
11 Updating this Privacy Policy
11.1 We may update or amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, to comply with law or to meet our changing business requirements. When we update our Privacy Notice, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. Any updates or amendments will be posted on the Website. By continuing to access the Website, your access and use will be subject to these updates and amendments.
12 Contacting Ridelines
12.1 If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the details below:
Ridelines Mountain Bike Tuition
33 Miller Street
EH44 6QR
TEL: 07817 792544
Email: enquiries@ridelines.co.uk
Web: www.ridelines.co.uk
By booking any activity with RIDELINES Ltd you accept that you have read and understood these terms and conditions.